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Eco-based Adaptation
- Hotel & Tourism Sector
- Agricultural Sector
- Manufacturing Sector

Q & A Session
Do you want to find out what this is all about and why you should take action?
Participate in our webinar series and learn more
Live Training
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Workshop Series
We can offer a blended learning experience for your entire organisation
Book this weekend away and experience team challenges about eco-based adaptation.
Register today for an online workshop.
Team Building
Learn more about your team and how to address change management issues.
Leadership Series
Learn more about our leadership series.
What will you learn?
We can assist you in becoming a certified hotel, by enabling you to demonstrate the following:-
(1) Demonstrate effective sustainable management
(2) Maximize social and economic benefits to the local community and minimize negative impacts
(3) Maximize benefits to cultural heritage and minimize negative impacts
(4) Maximize benefits to the environment and minimize negative impacts
- Conserving resources
- Reducing Pollution
- Conserving biodiversity, ecosystems and landscapes
Why you should the integrate eco-based adaptation into your hotel operations?
- You should integrate eco-based adaptation because of climate Risk.
- You are based in a Small island developing state the world’s most disaster-prone location.
- Small island developing states have high levels of exposure and vulnerability to hazards such as
cyclones, sea-level rise, earthquakes, tsunamis, and marine hazardous material spills.
- Due to your small size, remoteness, spatial isolation, and dependence on trade, Small island developing
state are particularly vulnerable to shocks and stressors.
- As climate-related disasters increase in frequency and intensity, intensifying pressures on states that
are already confronted by unique social, economic, and environmental vulnerabilities, it is necessary to
address current challenges and constraints, and leverage opportunities to build resilience.
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